Saturday, August 13, 2011

Starting off.........

Without much ado let's start this thing off and take it to the highest level of awesome. The agenda is simple- to make all the viewers and followers of this blog believe that a perfect score in GMAT is possible.

You just need to remember the following things:

1. All you need in GMAT is stamina to tolerate the 4-hour mind-numbing experience. Skill is not much celebrated.

2. The term 'innate skill' is highly overrated. For GMAT 'acquired skill' works just as well.

3. Seriousness is not as much a prerequisite of success as sincerity is.

4. The GMAT is always right - doesn't matter if the official answer of a DS or a SC looks dubious to you. The test-administartors don't give a damn. So, it doesn't pay to be impeccable. Rather, be GMAT-smart.

5. Collaboration is absolutely a necessity for success. Don't be selfish in spreading out knowledge and study materials. Hoarding never made anyone richer by as much as a point!!

6. If the author of this blog can dream of making it big on the world-business stage, so can you. And if GMAT is your avenue of choice, you are in the right direction. You have already set sail- just steer your ship well and an 800 is pretty much your for the taking.

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